Capturing Reality Torrent

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Jan 2, 2018 - The US Department of Defense is struggling to get its arms around all of the new security issues that have come with our current technological.

Welcome to, a place for Oculus fans to discuss VR. Rules of the Oculus Subreddit • This is a place for friendly VR discussion, so don’t start drama, attack, or bait other redditors. Be civil or your post may be removed. • Read the before posting a question. • No low effort submissions; memes, gifs, image macros, etc. • No buying/selling: Use.

Wiki Pages • • • • Oculus Official Links • • • • • • • • • Community Links • Event Calendar: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Filter by Flair • • • • • • • • • • • •. I just tried their software and compared it against Photoscan. It's possible I'm not using all the features Capturing Reality offers. But already the quality is about the same. If not a bit noisier (which makes it seem sharper). Photoscan allowed for background masking of the images which helped to reduce little floating pieces of geometry. Upside was speed, Capturing Reality was able to process the geometry much much faster.

But if this software costs a bundle then I'd just stick with Photoscan. Processed with same stack of photos. Lb link 802 11n driver. Photoscan on left, capturing reality on right • • • •.

This technology is called 'photogrammetry'. Free options are indeed available, but the results are hard to compare. 123Catch, for example, gives you a rough approximation of the real 3D shape, producing a relatively low poly mesh even using it's highest settings.

Agisoft's Photoscan or CapturingReality's Reality Capture can give you a mesh that has billions of vertices, literally giving you a 3d model that includes the porosity of your model's skin. Of course, for that, you need really well taken photographs, with absolutely no movement between them, preferably using hundreds of RAW files taken simultaneously.