Prs Serial Number Handwritten
Jul 15, 2014 What is the best way to look up my PRS to see what I have? I'd like to know the year and verify that it is a 10 Top. Home; Forums. If it's a 10 top there will be the number '10' in gold pen in the upper rear corner of the headstock near the serial number, unless the neck is rosewood or maple, though some models have a stamped 10.
Hi Everybody, I'm looking to but my first real guitar (i.e. Not a cheap import). I've decided on a used early 1990's PRS CE24. It seems like a versatile guitar that isn't too expensive and that might actually increase in value over time. So I'm looking at this eBay auction and the guitar seems in good condition, but a couple of things strike me as odd. Nickel covers - I don't think I've seen any other pre-1995 CE24's with a nickel cover. Although the're easy enough to put on.
The seller said they are the original pickups (even though I asked if they were the traditional HFS/Vintage Bass combo). Three-way toggle switch - Again, I've only seen these with a 5-way rotary switch.
Serial Number - the serial number looks to be a 1990. But the seller is representing it as a 1993. Could he/she just be confusing it with when they bought it? I tried to figure out the production date using PRS's web-site here: Here's the link to the auction which includes the S/N: Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Regards, Stang. Hmm, I have a PRS CE22 I bought around the mid 90s and it did indeed have uncovered pickups. Mine has Dragon p'ups and the other one I tested that day had the bass and treble p'ups and I believe they were also uncovered. And mine does indeed have the rotary switch. I don't know how to date a PRS guitar, but mine has a S/N of 6713089 Edit: According to this, I guess mine is a 1996 And the 24s were of course the same animal, just the extra frets were different.
Mine had a figured top and birds as extras. Stock PU's would have been Vintage Bass in the neck and HFS in the bridge back then.and they would NOT have been covered. Panasonic pqhx11421za instrukciya. And it should have been 5-way.
My guess.if the guitar is real deal, it's been modded. There are three different neck carves from then.the Standard (the original 24-fret neck carve.1-5/8' nut and very much a Fender C shape neck profile).Wide Fat (1-11/16' and a Gibson-esque carve) and Wide Thin (1-11/16' and thinner, Wizard-esque), so you might want to see which one you prefer of the bunch. I had a '93, it's the one guitar I kinda regretted selling, but it was useless to me stock.I hated the PU's, they sounded sweet in a hi-gain amp, harsh in my more vitnage ones. So, if i had kept it, I would have gutted it.
Thanks Wyatt, The mods are what I was figuring. My amp is based on the Fender Tweed Deluxe circuit. Too bad there isn't a guitar rental place where I could bring it home an try it out for a while Stock PU's would have been Vintage Bass in the neck and HFS in the bridge back then.and they would NOT have been covered. And it should have been 5-way. My guess.if the guitar is real deal, it's been modded. There are three different neck carves from then.the Standard (the original 24-fret neck carve.1-5/8' nut and very much a Fender C shape neck profile).Wide Fat (1-11/16' and a Gibson-esque carve) and Wide Thin (1-11/16' and thinner, Wizard-esque), so you might want to see which one you prefer of the bunch. I had a '93, it's the one guitar I kinda regretted selling, but it was useless to me stock.I hated the PU's, they sounded sweet in a hi-gain amp, harsh in my more vitnage ones.