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This PowerPoint template contains an animated theater curtain which opens and closes. You can copy these slides to your own presentations to add an introduction or a conclusion. This template only includes the animated transitions. If we want to show an unpublished graph or news about the company, a project or idea, then we can use animated curtains and effects to uncover an idea or nice chart. Using curtain images in PowerPoint templates can help to uncover an idea or project in PowerPoint. Awesome animated curtains powerpoint slides. For when you don't want to reveal everything straightaway. Make them wait for the announcement. This animated curtain reveal set of slides is great when used either as a reveal or to get the audiences attention. Animated curtains powerpoint slides free download. Animated Stage Curtains Opening For Powerpoint Slides Free Download. The vector file and a free font download link. World Animated PowerPoint Template Watch. Contact your customer service support team about products, services and more.