Remington Model 1917 Rifle Serial Numbers

Military Model 1917 Rifle: Remington: Covering numbers: 1 - 646000. Please enter a serial number and click the submit button.
Well, Folks I got me one!My 1917 Enfield arrived fromt he CMP, and she is a bute! The serial number is 925,000 range and the metal is in excellent shape! The wood has the character dings and scratches, but she is a bute.If I didn't already say that. I have a question though, I am a learning person in this area.The make of this rifle is 'Eddystone' U.S.
Does anyone have any knowledge on the make of this weapon??? I am just about complete in a series of US battle rifles, I have the S/A M-1a and H&R Garand as well as the S/A O3 and the Smith and Corona O3A3, I also have the (inland) M-1 Carbine and a RRA LAR15. Now I just need to find a Thompson. Welcome to the forum WPD80. I know very little about the 1917 but here it comes anyway The 1917 is America's retooling of the pattern 14 Enfield that were to be sold to England before things got real ugly for the Brits in that era.
The US redesigned it so it would run with 3006 ammo and used it I think due to a need of rifles for our troops. Eddystone was a arsenal that I think was run with the help of Remington in the state of New York. I may be wrong on that but thats what I'm digging out of memory (old) You may someday run across the same model made by Remington or Winchester as well. Once upon a time I had a P-14 rifle and with cast bullets it shot very well, ball ammo wasn't so great because of bore dimensions. Jack is right - Eddystone was affiliated with Remington and was one of three manufacturers - Winchester and Remington being the other two. About 1.2 million Eddystone M1917s were made and roughtly the same amount were made totally by the other two.
Approximately 3/4 of US soldiers in WWI carried the M1917. It was put in war reserve after the war and hundreds of thousands were sold or Lend Leased to England and China. Rpg maker vx ace scripts. Large numbers were sold to the Philippine Army and they used it in the early days of WWII.
Many also saw use as training rifles by the US and a few were taken overseas, mostly by service units.
A poster on another forum provided the following information about the unusual front sight on this rifle..' A danish home guard front sight. Some of these danish M1917s (M53/17), (from canadian lend/lease) may have been selected for accuracy and used in matches with the danish home guard. The front sight post arrangement made for more accurate sighting. You have a beautifull rifle there! It would appear that your rifle may have been sent to denmark directly from canada, unlike other M1917s which ended up in denmark via canada and norway (notched receivers).' I don't mean to steal your thunder but here is mine.
Ours rolled off the assembly line near the same time. Don't worry about stealing thunder, its how I garner knowledge about these old firearms. The makers mark is definately a W.? On my sling; the marks on your sling looks like it begins with a V. - is it possibly a poorly stamped W.?
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I found this info on another forum: 'Westboro Trunk & Bag Co., Westboro, Ma. - Carrying cases. [known to have made M1907 slings]' Do you suppose the letters below the date on the slings are inspectors initials? Don't worry about stealing thunder, its how I garner knowledge about these old firearms. The makers mark is definately a W.?
On my sling; the marks on your sling looks like it begins with a V. - is it possibly a poorly stamped W.? I found this info on another forum: 'Westboro Trunk & Bag Co., Westboro, Ma.